
BAIDATA's 2023 summary

December 21, 2023


This year 2023 has been a year of great progress in the field of access and use of data, the European Union has made great progress in the framework of the European Data Strategy with the approval of the "Data Act"; or the recent agreement reached in the European Council, to give final shape to the law of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and that will certainly have a great impact on access and usability that individuals, companies and institutions have. From BAIDATA, we are very aware that the use of data, AI or Big Data are key elements for innovation and growth, for that reason, one of our focuses during this year has been to promote public-private leadership in Spain and Portugal in the data economy through various trainings, events, pilot actions, consulting, evaluation and internationalization.

As for the training we offer to our partners, which are already about 50 companies, one of our main objectives has been to train to operate in these data spaces, which has been a success as we have gathered a total of more than 60 professionals from different partner companies. We are very proud of the progress achieved, from the more introductory modules such as the fundamentals of data spaces, to the more practical training such as the configuration and use of data spaces through the IDS architecture model. On the part of our bonus program, we are very happy because in this year's call we have helped 10 companies associated with BAIDATA, to access easily and cost-effectively to the European data network, being able to certify and operate in data spaces at no cost.

We are also excited to tell you that we have participated in numerous European events related to the data economy, for example: EOSC Symposium, Data sharing in Europe, Data Vision 2023 or Tech-X Conference, where we were also one of the sponsors. In these conferences we have been able to share our knowledge and experience in the construction of data spaces. We have also been part of the launching event of two important European projects, of which we are partners: TEMS and SM4RTENANCE; these initiatives seek to establish a common data space for the media and industrial sectors respectively.

We should also mention the second edition of the BAIDATA forum, which was held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao and consolidated our position as a benchmark for the data economy in the Iberian Peninsula, since it was attended, in addition to nearly 300 participants, by representatives of the main European data space organizations IDSA and Gaia-X, together with representatives of the European Commission, the German Government, the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the City Council of Bilbao.

All in all, 2023 has been a year of great advances for the data economy in general, and for our association in particular. We have big plans for this new year that is about to begin, starting with the new editions of both the new training program and the BAIDATA voucher program, but also with new activities and initiatives, such as the data tables that we presented a few days ago and that you can already sign up for in your personal area of the website. Here we close the last article of this year, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, see you in 2024!