
IDSA releases preliminary draft of IDS-RAM 5

March 05, 2025


The International Data Spaces Association has updated the foundational aspects of the Reference Architecture Model with the publication of IDS-RAM 5. One of the main novelties of this model is that it seeks to involve the data space community in its development and refinement. Due to its collaborative nature, IDS-RAM 5 does not follow a linear format, but is organized through interconnected layers that allow flexible navigation through its content.

The five layers into which this reference model is divided are Business, Functional, Process, Information and System. To these five layers are added three critical perspectives, under the titles of Governance, Certification and Trust.

The latter, which represents a shift in focus from the previous reference model, addresses the need to foster trust in the components and processes of data spaces. The idea is to go a step beyond the classic concept of 'Security' to create data exchange mechanisms that are not only secure, but also transparent, accountable and allow companies and associations to maintain sovereignty over their data.

Through this link you can access the draft and contribute with your vision to the development of IDS-RAM5.