Jornada de la Oficina del Dato: Impulso gubernamental a una reindustrialización data-driven
September 14, 2022 - September 14, 2022
The Data Office is organising an open day under the slogan, "Governmental impulse to a data-driven reindustrialisation", with the participation of Gaia-X and IDSA.
The aim of the conference, to be held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on 14 September, is to energise and generate synergies in the national ecosystem of data spaces, in order to shape a common roadmap for deploying industrial dataspaces.
This event will take place in the framework of the FIWARE Global Summit 2022, which will also host several sessions in the field of dataspaces. These sessions will reinforce the context and message of the 14th, including a presentation detailing technological advances, in line with the technological convergence within the framework of the recent Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA).
Register here.