
Q&A Session | Your essential guide to data spaces

June 04, 2024


IDSA and its members have developed the key fundamentals for successfully running a data space, and within the membership companies have created amazing use case scenarios of what a data space can look like. In the Q&A Session, we’ll take you on the journey from becoming an IDSA member to successfully running a data space. We will focus on the benefits that IDSA and the International Data Spaces bring you. And we will tell you how you can co-create the IDS standard and leverage IDS technology. How to convert your application scenario into real business models and what steps you need to take to transform your business model into a secure and sovereign data space.


We will discuss all this in the Q&A Session “Your essential guide to data spaces”. We do this session monthly. Next edition is on June 4 at 10 a.m. (CET).